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All Flights Suspended Between Panama & Venezuela And Dominican Republic & Venezuela

Following the recent elections in Venezuela, the Ministry of Transportation announced on its social media page that commercial flights between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Panama, and the Dominican Republic will be temporarily suspended as of July 31, 2024.

The Ministry of Transportation claimed that the action was done “In rejection of the interference of right-wing governments” in the election process.

Tarek William Saab, Venezuela’s Attorney General, also claimed that there was a cyber-attack during the elections, which was intended “to manipulate the data he was receiving to the data transmission system of the National Electoral Council (CNE) this Sunday.”

Saab added that the cyberattack “was carried out from North Macedonia” and said prosecutors were collecting evidence to confirm the persons involved in the attack.

Meanwhile, Venezuelans took to the streets immediately following the election to protest the election of Nicolás Maduro Moros for another term until 2031.  Venezuelans argue that they were “robbed” and election results were manipulated.

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