October 2, 2024
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The Cabinet met on Thursday, June 27, 2024, in the Cabinet Conference Room, Government Administration Building.

Mr Eric Bush, acted as Deputy Governor and Ms Heather Bodden, Parliament Secretary, acted as Temporary Minister for Financial Services, Commerce, Investment, Innovation and Social Development. All other Ministers and Members of Cabinet were present.

At this meeting, Cabinet:

  • Approved an increase in appropriation for CBO 24 National Hazard Preparedness, Mitigation, Response and Recovery Services of $230,000 for the financial year 2024 and a decrease in the appropriation for CBO 24 National Hazard Preparedness, Mitigation, Response and Recovery Services of $230,000 for the financial year 2025.

  • Reviewed and noted the University College of the Cayman Islands Board of Governors Annual Report and Financial Statements for the financial year ended December 31st, 2022 and authorised the Hon Minister of Education to table at the next sitting Parliament.

  • Reviewed and noted the University College of the Cayman Islands Board of Governors Annual Report and Financial Statements for the financial year ended December 31st, 2023 and authorised the Hon Minister of Education to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Approved the purchase of Block 48E Parcel 121 for peppercorn consideration for a 30-foot vehicular right of way over Block 48E Parcel 121 in favour of the general public.

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Ministry of District Administration and Lands’ for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2023 and authorised the Hon Premier & Minister for Ministry of District Administration & Lands to table at the next sitting of Parliament

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report of the Water Authority for the 12-month period ending 31 December 2023 and authorised the Hon Premier & Minister for District Administration & Lands to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report and Audited Annual Financial Statements of the Sister Islands Affordable Housing Development Corporation for the 12-month period ending 31 December 2023 and authorised the Hon Premier and Minister for Ministry of District Administration and Lands to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Reviewed and noted the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority’s Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the period from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023 and authorised the Hon Minister for Financial Services and Commerce to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Approved the issuance of a Coastal Works Permit to Block 33B, Parcel 181.
  • Approved the issuance of a Coastal Works Permit to Crown property adjacent to Block 12C Parcel 386.

  • Approved:
    o the introduction of a new cross-Government Protection Marking Scheme;
    o the introduction of a new cross-Government National Security Vetting regime; and
    o the extension of the Protection Marking and National Security Vetting framework.

  • Approved the tabling in Parliament of the Government Minutes on the Reports of the Standing Public Accounts Committee on the following Reports of the Auditor General:
    o HSA Outpatient Pharmacy Services (November 2021)
    o Information and Communications Technology Authority 2015/16 Accounts
    o Follow-up on past PAC Recommendations 2022 – Report 1 (Jan 2022)
    o Follow-up on past PAC Recommendations 2023 – Report 1 (Mar 2023)
    o Financial Reporting of the CI Government – General Report (Dec 2021) and (Dec 2020)
    o The Government’s Shift to Online Services (Jun 2022)
    o Follow-up on past PAC Recommendations 2022 – Report 2 (Feb 2022)

  • Approved the tabling of a Motion in the upcoming meeting of Parliament by the Hon Premier proposing the acceptance of an Order from the Governor to reject all recommendations contained in the 2023 Electoral Boundary Commission Report and to seek the Governor’s support in accordance with Section 89 (1) of the Constitution, to establish a new Electoral Boundary Commission with revised Terms of Reference (TOR) to ensure equitable representation and comprehensive consultation.

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report of the Cayman Islands Development Bank for the year ended 31 December 2023 and authorised the Hon Minister for Finance & Economic Development to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Approved the acquisition of Block 48E, Parcel 13 for Conservation.

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report of the Ministry of Investment, Innovation and Social Development for the financial period ended 31st December 2023 and authorised the Hon Minister of Investment, Innovation and Social Development to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Reviewed and noted the Children and Youth Services (CAYS) Foundation 2023 Annual Report for the financial period ended 31 December 2023 and authorised the Hon Minister of Investment, Innovation and Social Development to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Approved the reappointment and appointment of the following individuals to the Pharmacy Council: Mr Khimanie Blackwood, Chair, Mr Rudolph Myles, Deputy Chair; Mr Kevin Gipple, Member; Mrs Charlotte Walters, Member and Mr Machel Sampson, Member.

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report of the Health Insurance Commission and Audited Financial Statements of the Segregated Insurance Fund for the 12-month period ended 31st December 2022 and authorised the Hon Minister for Health & Wellness to table at the next sitting of Parliament.
  • Reviewed and noted the National Drug Council’s Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the 12-month period ended 31st December 2023 and authorised the Hon Minister for Health & Wellness to table at the next sitting of Parliament.

  • Approved the Pensions Actuarial Valuation Reports to enable their tabling in the Parliament.

  • Reviewed and noted the Annual Report of the Cayman Islands National Insurance Company for the year ended 31 December 2023 and authorised the Hon Premier and Minister for Finance & Economic Development to table the Annual Report in Parliament.

  • Approved the issuance of drafting instructions to amend the National Conservation Act, 2013 and the resulting National Conservation Act (Amendment) Bill.

  • Noted the Financial Report for the period 1st January 2024 to 31st May 2024

  • Noted the Cayman Islands Quarterly Trade Statistics Bulletin for January to March 2024.