Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By Alric Lindsay
Antaneya Baptist appeared in the Summary Court today, January 20, 2025, to face charges of obtaining property by deception and theft. The Chief Magistrate ordered Baptist to do community service and pay compensation of $306.76.
Summarizing the background of the incident, crown counsel from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions said that on August 16, 2023, the complainant in this matter reported that she noticed several online transactions on her debit card she didn’t authorise for purchases at Let’s Eat.
Reportedly, she consulted with her daughter, who was staying with Ms Baptist at the relevant time. Her daughter explained that the card was used to order food. Following this, Ms Baptist’s mother settled the matter with the complainant.
However, the complainant noticed that there were other transactions dated from May to June 2023, which were made, and those were for food that was ordered from various food locations to be delivered to Foster’s Republic, where Ms Baptist worked as a front desk associate. When these additional transactions were done, the complainant’s daughter no longer lived with Ms. Baptist.
An investigation was conducted into the matter, and transactions were made regarding using the debit card. The total amount was $306.76.
On October 28, 2023, the police arrested Ms Baptist on suspicion of theft.
She was interviewed under caution, during which she explained that the debit card information had been placed on her phone when her friend was living with her. After her friend moved out, Ms Baptist was reportedly under the impression that the debit card information was no longer on her phone and she was using her own debit card to make the purchases.
In the Summary Court, DPP crown counsel noted that although Ms Baptist faced charges of obtaining property by deception and theft, the DPP would offer no evidence for obtaining property by deception charge. The DPP, therefore, withdrew the charge.
Regarding the theft, DPP crown counsel suggested that the starting point for Ms Baptist’s sentence is a fine, and the sentencing range is a fine to discharge to a community-based sentence based on the category range.
DPP crown counsel also noted that Ms Baptist entered an early plea and she should get a benefit for this when being sentenced.
Arguing on her behalf, defence counsel John Furniss noted that Ms Baptist was only a minor (17 years old) when the offence was committed.
Furniss added that Ms Baptist was remorseful and requested that the Summary Court record no conviction as it would lead to difficulties obtaining work.
After hearing from crown and defence counsels, the Chief Magistrate ordered Ms Baptist to do 80 hours of community service and pay $306.78. No conviction will be recorded upon completion of these conditions.